Thursday 11 April 2013

Assignment 2 - Project 4 - Developing Design Ideas - Stage 3

After a good trawl through my work so far I was surprised by how much material I've actually produced! I enjoyed going through the exercises, my sketchbooks and my photo and postcard collections looking for images with lots of potential. Whilst there were lots of candidates (which I'm sure I will come back to), these were the four I eventually chose for Stage 4:

This image I chose for the strong, simple shape and the striking (and rather familiar!) colours.

I selected the next image from my drawings of paired concepts. It also has a striking pattern formation which I think will lend itself to repeat patterning. Again, the colours are simple but in this case tonal, so it should be possible to readily subsitute with other shades.

For my third image I have chosen this sample from one of my early drawings. I can see potential for lots of experimentation with sizing, placing, and de-constructing the very basic star-like motif that the airplant is made up of.

The last image (the orange image on the left) was also from Project 3. I chose this one as a challenge. It offers fewer immediately obvious repeating pattern motifs but the shape is interesting and the softness of the edges and the blended colours will be a contrast to the much clearer shapes in the first three images. It will be exciting to see how this particular image can be developed as I have few pre-conceived ideas about it.