Sunday 14 April 2013

Assignment 2 - Project 4 - Developing Design Ideas - What have you Achieved?

Did you manage to "make space move"?

There are certainly images and motifs which have energy. Some of the arrangements of the black squares are clearly dynamic such as these:

Others are more balanced, giving a stable, static feel:

Yet others were just a random, unfocussed jumble of shapes, some of which were almost jarring to look at:

Are you pleased with the drawings you did in Stage 3?
Yes, I'm happy with the images I selected and how I developed them. I deliberately chose images which I believed had potential from the outset as well as something more challenging.

Were you able to use your drawings successfully as a basis for further work? Are there any other things you would like to try?
Yes. The letter imagery was particularly successful. The clear lines, simplicity and flowing shape of the design gave scope for many different interpretations and I have lots more ideas for working on this image using computer manipulation then further work on fabric. The airplant stars have also got excellent scope for future development using stitch, screenprints, discharge/devore and other possibilities.

Do you now feel confident that you can carry on working in this way on your own?
Yes, this project has been very satisfying. What has been especially interesting is seeing how just a small area of a single image can be developed into a huge range of future projects.